Privacy policy

This privacy policy informs you about how we at Ole Nonbye a/s (Nonbye) process your personal data and inform you about your rights in relation to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data.

The privacy policy applies to your use of Nonbye’s website. This also applies to the information you leave when using it. When you visit the website, you therefore also accept our privacy policy.

We only collect personal data in cases where this would be relevant to us, and we will only collect personal data if it is relevant for your activity at Nonbye. Collecting, processing and using your personal data is always done in accordance with relevant legal provisions.

We are the data controller – how do you contact us?
At Nonbye, we are the data controller for the processing of the personal data that we have received about you. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us. You will find our contact information below.

Ole Nonbye a/s
Knudsminde 4
DK – 8300 Odder
CVR number: 58274917
Phone number: +45 8781 5100

Nonbye AB Malmö
Hornyxegatan 14
213 76 Malmö
VAT-number: SE-556262-6472
Phone number: +46 040 92 09 00

Nonbye Norge
Stålfjæra 26
Postboks 35 Kalbakken
0901 Oslo
Org. number: 970 977 910
Phone number.: +47 2339 1980

What information is collected, why and how long is it stored?
This section describes the purpose, storage period and legal basis for our processing of your personal data.
Nonbye collects personal data about you both in relation to the functionality of our services and in relation to you as a customer and employee. The personal information is collected when you visit our website, use the services the website includes and when you inform us about this yourself.
We only store the information for a given period, where there is either a requirement for storage, there is another objective purpose for the storage, or in accordance with other legislation.

We process your personal data in relation to:

  • Customer relations: The purpose of storing customer information is based on the legitimate interest of contacting our customers regarding booking meetings and other customer matters. This happens cf. the balancing of interests rule Article 6 subsection 1 letter f. We store information until the customer relationship ends. Therefore, customer information is deleted if the booking of a meeting is canceled, and a customer relationship is not established.
  • Employees/applicants: When you apply to us, we process the personal data that appears in your application, CV and other accompanying documents, just as we register the information that you yourself have provided during the employment interview. We use Article 6 (1) (f) of the Data Protection Regulation as the basis for the processing. We also apply this law if you do a personality test in the recruitment process or the employment relationship.

When you are employed by us, we use Article 6 (1) (b) of the Data Protection Regulation as the basis for processing the personal data about you that is necessary to fulfill the employment contract with you. Pursuant to Section 11 of the Data Protection Act and Article 6 (1) (c) of the Data Protection Regulation, we also process special personal data such as your CPR number when we have to pass on information to SKAT in relation to salary.
Use of the website: We may process personal data in connection with your use of the website. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest in making improvements and ensuring an optimal website for our users. See more in our cookie policy.

  • E-mail marketing: When you sign up for our newsletter via the website, personal data about you is processed. Our legitimate interest in offering e-mail marketing is to be able to present you with information about our products as well as news from Nonbye. This is done cf. the balancing of interests rule Article 6 subsection 1 letter f. We store your information as long as you are registered for the newsletter. The information is deleted when you unsubscribe from the newsletter.

Categories of personal data
Nonbye only processes the personal data about you that is necessary for us to carry out our work. Which specific personal data we collect and register depends on this. The categories of personal data about you is listed below.

General personal data such as name, address, e-mail, phone number and other personal data you may provide.

  • Cookies: You can read our cookie policy when you access our website.
  • Social media: Our website and social media pages may contain features from e.g. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, which have their own terms and privacy policies. We encourage you to read the provider’s terms and conditions and privacy policy before using them.
  • Newsletter: Our website contains an email marketing feature from Mailchimp, which has its own privacy policy. We encourage you to read the provider’s terms and conditions and privacy policy before using it. You can view the privacy policy for Mailchimp here.
    Recipients or categories of recipients

We only pass on or hand over your personal data if we are obliged to do so or if it is necessary for the work to be done.

We may share your personal data with:
Collaborators who assist our company (e.g. IT service providers or subcontractors)
Other Nonbye entities (e.g. Nonbye subsidiaries in other EU countries).
Other authorities, only if this is a requirement.

We exchange personal data when necessary for daily operations. In the above cases, these parties must ensure that the information is processed in accordance with the applicable personal data law and data processor agreement in relation to storage and deletion. In addition, the parties are not entitled to process your personal data for their own purposes, unless legislation and/or appropriate authorities make this a requirement.

Where your personal data originates
We receive your personal data directly from you and our business partners.

The right to withdraw consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting us on the contact details that appear above in the first part of this policy.

If you choose to withdraw your consent, it does not affect the legality of our processing of your personal data based on your previously communicated consent and up to the time of withdrawal. If you withdraw your consent, it will be applicable from this point.

Your rights
According to the data protection regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to our processing of information about you.

If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us.

  • Right to see information (right of access)
    You have the right to gain insight into the information that we process about you, as well as a range of additional information.
  • Right to rectification
    You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.
  • Right to erasure
    In special cases, you have the right to have information about you deleted before the time of our normal general deletion occurs.
  • Right to restriction of processing
    In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you have the right to have the processing restricted, we may in future only process the information – apart from storage – with your consent, or for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending legal claims, or to protect a person or important public interests.
  • Right to object
    In certain cases, you have the right to object to our or the lawful processing of your personal data. You can also object to the processing of your information for direct marketing.
  • Right to transmit information (data portability)
    In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have this personal data transferred from one data controller to another without obstacle.

You can read more about your rights in the Data Protection Authority’s guidance on the rights of data subjects, which you can find at, and

Complaint to the Data Protection Authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish, Swedish or Norweigan Data Protection Authority if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You will find the Data Protection Authority’s contact information at, and