Transforming store windows

Matas facadeskilt og dekorationer - Nonbye


Matas, with its numerous locations across Denmark, faces the annual challenge of updating their storefront window decorations. Each year, they require high-quality, visually appealing, and durable solutions that can be implemented swiftly across many stores. The main problems included managing a large-scale rollout and ensuring consistency and quality in the decorations across various locations.

Nonbye farver


We at Nonbye provided Matas with custom film solutions. These films were chosen for their durability, ease of application, and high-quality visual appeal. The films serve as perfect canvases for intricate designs and branding visuals, ensuring that each store’s windows become an eye-catching element of Matas’ nationwide campaign.

Nonbye farver


Nonbye successfully produced and installed the films at 86 Matas locations within just one month. Utilizing our project management tool, Brandpilot, we maintained a clear overview of the project’s progress. This tool allowed both Matas and our project managers to monitor which stores were completed, ongoing, or yet to start. It also provided visual documentation to ensure that every location met the desired standards.


The implementation of the films has resulted in visually striking storefronts that enhance Matas’ brand presence across Denmark. The swift and efficient execution ensured that all stores were ready for the campaign launch on time. The films provided a consistent and high-quality look that drew customer attention and reinforced the brand’s image.

Nonbye farver

from the team

Jesper Borchers - Sales Manager

“I have used our project management tool Brandpilot for this project. It provided an overview and was a great help in keeping track of the process for the many stores,” says Sales Manager Jesper Borchers.
The campaign includes many different locations across the country. To give Matas and Nonbye’s project managers the best possible overview, we decided that the project should be documented and managed in our latest solution, Brandpilot.
Matas had access to the tool, where they had a comprehensive overview of which stores were completed, which were still ongoing, and which had not yet started. Additionally, they could see pictures of the different stores to ensure that all locations looked as desired.

Nonbye farver


“Brandpilot is a huge help in keeping an overview of the many data and information we have on our stores and store facades across the country, all of which are very different from each other and therefore need to be handled differently. We needed a digital tool that could store various documents and data in one place for better overview and faster information, and Brandpilot has lived up to all the wishes and needs we had. And more,” says Pernille from Matas.
“We see Brandpilot as a valuable tool and see many good opportunities to use it even more in our everyday operations.”

Nonbye farver

Contact us today

For Nonbye, film is not just a piece of sticker, but a decoration. It is an opportunity to create a myriad of effects, which we enthusiastically advises both customers and colleagues about. Contact us today for a non-binding meeting.