Enhanced visibility with facade signs

Matas facadeskilt og dekorationer - Nonbye


EDC faced the need to update their facade signs to ensure higher visibility and improved branding in a competitive market. Nonbye’s design manager, who developed EDC’s profile back in 2005, has extensive insight into the chain’s challenges.
Times have changed since 2005, and a new solution was needed to meet the evolving demands while also being cost-effective for their agents.

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Facade signs version 2.0 have been developed with a focus on elegance, visibility, and easy installation, resulting in an exclusive product that is both simpler and cheaper to install. The design considers different types of facades and the technical requirements, which often vary from city to city.

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Version 2.0 was implemented as a comprehensive solution, where, for example, logo signs are designed on a white background, making installation faster and more cost-effective. The design also includes flexibility, allowing agents who need extra visibility to choose a variant with an attached blue facade strip. This ensured a consistent visual identity across the chain while meeting individual needs.


The new facade signage solution has already proven to be a success among EDC’s agents. Many stores have adopted the solution, and feedback has been positive regarding both the design’s appearance and the simpler installation process. The improved visibility has strengthened EDC’s presence on the streets, contributing to retaining and attracting customers in a competitive market.

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from the team

Jan Graus Sørensen - Design- & Marketing Manager

“I am proud to have once again had the opportunity to influence EDC’s signage design. I have worked on balancing the exclusive appearance with the practical requirements of easy installation and cost-effectiveness, all in a design that municipal technical management will approve in most cases. The new design reflects our focus on creating solutions that work in practice while maintaining a strong visual appeal,” says Jan Graus Sørensen, Design and Marketing Manager at Nonbye.

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“Nonbye, and especially Jan’s deep insight into both our chain and the developments within facade signage, have been crucial for our new solution. Our agents have embraced it, and the slightly lower price has made it possible for more to upgrade,” says Marianne Frandsen from EDC.

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Contact us today

Do you want to enhance your company’s visual expression and achieve high street visibility? Nonbye is ready to help you create tailored solutions that suit your needs. Contact us today for a no-obligation conversation about your options.